"A one-of-a-kind trophy is getting national attention on this Super Bowl Sunday. Two famous NFL brothers, Jason and Travis Kelce, commissioned a Placerville-based company to make the Golden Baby. Now, the creation by Bennett Awards is going viral. Leticia Ordaz reports..."
Life in the Shadow of Mt. Diablo
The spiritual and political geography of San Francisco's "Beast Bay."
Sunday, February 18, 2024
NEW (2024) Placerville
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Shiva laser, Wikipedia
nearby Shiva-Vishnu Temple photos:
San Francisco
Still the classic source on the historical and cultural origins of San Francisco:
The history of the Barbary Coast properly begins with the gold rush to California in 1849. If the precious yellow metal hadn't been discovered ... the development of San Francisco's underworld in all likelihood would have been indistinguishable from that of any other large American city. Instead, owing almost entirely to the influx of gold-seekers and the horde of gamblers, thieves, harlots, politicians, and other felonious parasites who battened upon them, there arose a unique criminal district that for almost seventy years was the scene of more viciousness and depravity, but which at the same time possessed more glamour, than any other area of vice and iniquity on the American continent. The Barbary Coast is Herbert Asbury's classic chronicle of the birth of San Francisco—a violent explosion from which the infant city emerged full-grown and raging wild. From all over the world practitioners of every vice stampeded for the blood and money of the gold fields. Gambling dens ran all day including Sundays. From noon to noon houses of prostitution offered girls of every age and race. (In the 1850s, San Francisco was home to only one woman for every thirty men. It was not until 1910 that the sexes achieved anything close to parity in their populations.) This is the story of the banditry, opium bouts, tong wars, and corruption, from the eureka at Sutter's Mill until the last bagnio closed its doors seventy years later.
The Barbary Coast: An Informal History of the San Francisco Underworld by Herbert Asbury
borrow for free or search inside
I had been invited to lecture in Stockton on the evening of April 10, and went up the night before, arriving that morning. I was well received, hospitably entertained, and had a good time generally—got tall puffs in the three daily papers for my lecture.The State Lunatic Asylum is there, and as the trustees were to have a meeting, I was invited to go up, which I did, and spent several hours visiting the institution while they were transacting their business. There are more insane in this state, by far, in proportion to the whole population, than in any 260 other state in the Union. I need not dilate on the reasons. High mental excitement, desperate characters, disappointed hopes of miners, the unnatural mode of life incident to mining, separation of families, and the indiscretions and infidelity to the marriage vows incident to these separations—these and other reasons have produced this frightful result.
The Gold Rush was kicked off and San Francisco was founded by Mormon pioneers and the Mormon Battalion (during the longest military march in U.S. history)
San Francisco began with the Presidio military base. The Church of Satan and Burning Man both started at its edges. It used to be the Command and Control Center of the Internet, as well as home to all kinds of "out there" military concepts like Projects GRILL FLAME and JEDI. It was a major earth base in Star Trek and the headquarters of Star Wars.
Silicon Valley’s Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Burners Pt 3 – Satan's Birthday Party (2 hours)
We take a look at Satanism, and its similarities to other ideologies such as Objectivism, Scientism, and Atheism. The Church of Satan began in San Francisco next to the Presidio, and so did Burning Man 20 years later.
A Peek Inside The Secret Graffiti Tunnels Of San Francisco
The Beatles kick off first U.S. tour at San Francisco’s Cow Palace
Anton LaVey's Black House
6114 California St.
The Spooky History Of 6114 California Street, The Black House
The Spooky History of the Westerfield House
1198 Fulton St.
Kenneth Anger, Bobby Beausoleil, Anton LaVey (and his lions!), and many other interesting characters...
The Process Church:
407 Cole St.
1820 Oak Street
2416 Geary Street
Alleged Zodiac victim, Paul Stine
615 Cole St.
(accross the street and three doors down from Manson, below
1965 - 1966, and possibly part of '67
Late '67
1842 Fell St.
Manson Family's Haight-Ashbury House
636 Cole St.
Introducing The Haight's Charles Manson House
The Manson Family's San Francisco connections (92 photos)
The "Jimi Hendrix House"
1524 Ashbury St.
The "Grateful Dead House"
710 Ashbury St.
Photo tour of Haight-Ashbury
558 Clayton St.
Abigail Folger volunteered here:
318 Parnassus Ave.
U.C.S.F. Medical Center
400 Parnassus Ave.
Four of my siblings were born here.
This is also the location of Langley Porter Psychiatric Hospital.
One of my siblings was committed there for a number of weeks sometime around 1990 when I was about 20 and he was in Kindergarten or first or second grade.
The founder of the HAFMC was a post-graduate student at UCSF Medical Center. He talks about walking home from UCSF, "past the Haight."
UCSF Apologizes for Prisoner Experiments
UCSF Caught Harvesting Genitalia From Ab0rted Babies for Research
UCSF accused of 'callous' experiments' on ab0rted babies, harvesting genitals
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Introduction / preview of upcoming episodes / Places of Interest / cast of characters (partial):
Places of Interest / cast of characters we will explore in future episodes (partial):
I will be pinning each one of these videos and their "show notes" to the corresponding locations on Google Earth:
Gold Country / Sierra foothills (Columbia, Volcano, Sonora.....)
Westpoint (Calaveras Co.) Crowley's successor, Karl Germer
Volcano (Amador Co.) Volcano Masonic Caves, I attended traditional tribal dance ceremonies with the California Indians next to Vocano for twelve years in a row.
All three of these locations are within 13 miles of each other. Note proximity to Pine Grove.
Mystery airship illustrated in the San Francisco Call, November 22, 1896
Mysterious Airships of California by Olav Phillips, Paranoia (2018)
The Strange Mystery of the Sonora Aero Club (2019)
Ghost Airships Of The 1800s (2020)
A mysterious wave of airship sightings took place in the U.S. between 1896 and 1897, and there is plenty of mystery to go around.
AIRSHIP OF 1897, Occult World (2006)
NYMZA AEROS – THE AIRSHIPS OF THE 1850’S, Paranoia (2015)
San Jose
Rumors Of The 'Hicks Road Colony' Have Kept Drivers Away From The Area For Years
Decades-long persistent rumors of an "albino cannibal cult" in rural San Jose. This man takes you on a scenic drive to check out the rumors for himself. He suggests the possibility that perhaps the military started the rumors to prevent people from coming too close to their facility. I would tend to agree with that theory except for an experience that my second husband told myself and others about, an extremely similar experience in the Berkeley hills (near the national laboratory) about 70 miles north.
He told me that he was hiking in the hills one day and an albino man came up to him and said that he lived underground and asked my husband if he wanted to come and check it out (in addition to the lab with known underground facilities, there are also caves in the area) and my husband said, hell no and ran away.
I know he wasn't influenced by these urban legends because he wasn't born and raised in the Bay Area like myself and I had never heard about this urban legend until a couple of years ago because I am from the East Bay and not the South Bay.
SAGE Defense System The 84.5 foot tall concrete tower that remains here was the foundation of what was one of the largest rotating military radar ever built. It was part of a system of similar stations in California and among hundreds of others across the country that provided radar surveillance data into the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) defense system. SAGE coordinated the incoming signals and processed the data with its powerful computers and networking equipment, assessed potential threats, and directed response through the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
For decades, employees of United Technologies Corp., an early Silicon Valley aerospace company, built rocket motors in a secretive, sprawling property in the hills east of Highway 101, about 5 miles south of San Jose...
The massive engines powered Tomahawk and Minuteman missiles for the military, as well as NASA spacecraft that explored Mars, Venus, Jupiter and the sun. There were explosions, fires and occasional deaths.
Before Google, Apple, Intel, Cisco and others dominated Silicon Valley, defense giants like Lockheed, FMC, Westinghouse and UTC were kings, providing thousands of jobs from the 1950s to the 1980s, and bringing in billions in federal contracts.

Peet's Coffee, Alice Waters, Farm-to-Table and the Gourmet Ghetto
Aldous Huxley, Allen Ginsberg, Jerry Rubin, Jack Kerouac, and Patty Hearst were once regulars, as is the unofficial poet laureate of Berkeley, Julia Vinograd.
Hot Tubs were first invented in Walnut Creek, CA by an Italian family (who made wooden propellers under military contracts) for personal use and then later developed for commercial use as the Jacuzzi brand, just a few miles away, on San Pablo Ave. in Berkeley, CA.
According to Berkeley Walks by Bob Johnson, Bill and Hilary Clinton lived at 2267 Derby St. in the Summer of '71
Patty Hearst was kidnapped from 2603 Benvenue
Allen Ginsberg wrote Howl in a cottage behind 1624 Milvia St. He also wrote, "A Strange New Cottage" there. Jack Kerouac stayed at the cottage for a time, and his beautiful description brings back the Berkeley that I knew when I stayed at 2607 Milvia St., and houesat for 12 years at 2905 Regent St.
Ted Kaczynski lived in a converted garage at 2628-A Regent St. while teaching at Cal (U.C. Berkeley)
Wavy Gravy, M.C. at Woodstock and Merry Prankster (born Hugh Nanton Romney, 1936) lives in a commune @ 1301 Henry St. I saw him outside a number of times while walking down Milvia St. in the 90s
This is an interesting article about Wavy Gravy written by the East Bay's Prince Ray:
According to Wikipedia, "Phillip K. Dick moved to the San Francisco Bay Area with his family at a young age...When he was five, his father was transferred to Reno, Nevada, and when Dorothy refused to move, she and Joseph divorced. Both fought for custody of Philip, which was awarded to Dorothy. Determined to raise Philip alone, she took a job in Washington, D.C. and moved there with her son. Philip was enrolled at John Eaton Elementary School (1936–1938), completing the second through fourth grades. His lowest grade was a "C" in Written Composition, although a teacher said he "shows interest and ability in story telling". He was educated in Quaker schools. In June 1938, Dorothy and Philip returned to California, and it was around this time that he became interested in science fiction.[18] Dick stated that he read his first science fiction magazine, Stirring Science Stories, in 1940.
Philip K. Dick (c. 1953, age 24)
Dick attended Berkeley High School in Berkeley, California. He and fellow science fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin were members of the class of 1947 but did not know each other at the time. He claimed to have hosted a classical music program on KSMO Radio in 1947.[19] From 1948 to 1952, he worked at Art Music Company, a record store on Telegraph Avenue.
He attended the University of California, Berkeley from September 1949 to November 11, 1949, ultimately receiving an honorable dismissal dated January 1, 1950. He did not declare a major and took classes in history, psychology, philosophy, and zoology. Dick dropped out because of ongoing anxiety problems, according to his third wife Anne's memoir. She also says he disliked the mandatory ROTC training. At Berkeley, he befriended poet Robert Duncan and poet and linguist Jack Spicer, who gave Dick ideas for a Martian language...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_K._Dick
philip k. dick's home:
1126 francisco
berkeley, california 94702
Philip K. Dick moved here with his second wife in 1950 shortly after they were married. They would stay here for eight years. He was a prolific writer of short stories (thirty stories were published in 1953 alone) and his first novels, including Solar Lottery and The Man Who Japed, were also published by Ace books during this time.
The infamous, James Holmes' father had degrees from U.C. Berkeley and Stanford. Holmes himself had a B.S. in neuroscience with the highest honors from theUniversity of California, Riverside. (U.C. Davis professor, Darrell Hamamoto refers to Berkeley, Stanford, and U.C. San Francisco as "the neuro-triangle."
My second husband's paternal grandfather obtained his Ph.D. in Indonesian folk art from Berkeley and published a book on the subject.
My current husband's mother was born in Berkeley. She attended U.C. Berkeley as did her father. My husband's father was born in Oakland, and his father's father and his father's sister attended U.C. Berkeley. His father's father taught there before starting the economics department at U.C. Davis. His father's sister has spent most of her adult life in Indonesia and was Obama's mother, Ann Dunham's, best friend in Indonesia.
Guided tour, map and photos of Berkeley's most famous occultists including Grady McMurtry, and Robert Anton Wilson (also the former editor of Playboy, and Libertarian activist), and historical sites of note (some of my favorite hang-out spots back in the day):
“UC” is for “Undercover Cop” - #209
alternate version / backup copy:
This is the "old Berkeley" that I remember and love (from the comments section):
Denver DuBois
1 year ago (edited)
I inherited my mother's house in Berkeley but after some consideration, sadly decided to sell it because Berkeley isn't the funky, friendly place it used to be. I mean...there were a lot of homeless in the '80s, crime too, but it was concentrated in the downtown and mostly just panhandling and petty thievery. The homeless didn't LIVE on the sidewalks.
The rest of Berkeley was still edgy, rebellious and gritty, but it was beautiful too. We used to take walks on the campus as if it was a park, and the parks were great too--especially the Rose Garden with its scenic views of the Bay. But Berkeley was also a blue collar town and affordable. We paid $175 a month for a two bedroom in the mid 1970s. And Berkeley was cool, mellow and, you know, cosmic--the hippie thing, before it went bad and became the weird "me generation" ego trip this video's guest speaks of so eloquently. When I was little, my student babysitter used to do card readings for me and read me stories from "Seth Speaks". Then we'd watch "In Search Of" together and talk about aliens, lol. No lie!
Perhaps the ultimate "old Berkeley" thing was a guy on Essex Street, who, since the 1970s, had a mysterious free communal hot tub in his backyard that, if you played your cards right, you could get the gate code to--but if you were male, you could only visit as the guest of a female. It was an honor system and one transgression got you banned for life. No sex, no booze, no drugs, and no bugging women. Astonishingly, this worked--and well--for decades. I went there myself a few times. It was super heated to keep the chlorine content minimal; I couldn't stay in for long but it was so incredibly peaceful. My friend Dana and I would go late at night on warm evenings. The dude's yard was full of huge redwood trees, like a small forest. You could sit on various little benches there, chatting, or relax in the tub. When other people showed up, they'd nod in a friendly way, maybe talk to each other. Nobody acted creepy that I ever saw. There were even nice showers, and you were politely asked to rinse off before using the tub. Everyone did.
Now, it's a different world. The global elite presence in Berkeley is actually frightening. The mayor's Antifa ties, domestic terrorist and elementary school teacher Yvette Falerca of "BAMN" (By Any Means Necessary), the presence of Soros and his son in town (the son, Alex, is a Berkeley graduate and lives in Berkeley still, last I heard.) Notice how there aren't really violent demonstrations actually IN Berkeley anymore? Ha.
There's a lot of darkness in Berkeley that was never there when I was growing up. Then, it was just disgusting People's Park, occasional creepy government activities on the campus and at Lawrence Lab, and some street people with drug problems. Now the nastiness is festering everywhere just beneath the surface. Berkeley used to be a town full of hard-working ordinary people, bright-eyed young students, pioneering intellectuals and eccentric professors. There were beat era coffeehouses, the best used bookstores outside of NYC and London, jazz musicians, street poets, and the Rocky Horror Picture Show on Saturday night at the UC Theatre. There were writers, dreamers, yoga teachers, potheads, hot tubs, legendary "Top Dog" hotdogs, and fondue restaurants.
Now... it's tent cities, trash and blight by the bay and multimillion dollar homes in the hills, and angry progressives and professional radical agitators plotting the demise of America as we know it. It's real estate investors, weapons research creepers, yuppies and limousine liberals swanning around the overpriced cheese shops--didja know the word "yuppie" was invented by Alice Kahn, a Berkeley writer? It's the one percent hoarding wealth and power over their pricey dinners at Chez Panisse--didja know that Panisse's owner, Berkeley icon Alice Waters, is buddies with James Alefantis of "Pizzagate" notoriety? You can't make this shit up.
Berkeley has become everything it used to decry and fight against. We've gone from "Subvert The Dominant Paradigm" to leftist authoritarianism worship and "I bought the new Tesla". (20 years ago it was "look at my Mercedes", 10 years ago it was "look at my Prius"...and when I was a kid, it was "look at my VW bus! We're driving it down to Baja to surf this summer!" See the progression?) My late mother went to college at Berkeley in the 1940s because it was a good public university she could afford. She got a decent job and supported her widowed mother. She loved Berkeley, lived there her whole adult life and never wanted to leave. I'm glad she can't see the tent cities and fields full of garbage now. She would cry.
That hot tub owner I mentioned, the one who let strangers use his tub for free, 24/7? After 40 years of simple hippie generosity, he closed up shop. Why? Because mtf trannies attacked him for treating them as biological men and not allowing them unfettered access to his hot tub. That pretty much says it all. The Berkeley my mother and I loved is effectively dead. Thanks for doing this video, man. Nice job.